Upset? There are 15 ways for you to cheer up!

There are some days when nothing feels good, everything around us just go black and white. We all hate those days or moments. But you can change those gloomy, sad moments into cheery ones (good news). For one thing, right now if you are reading this with a big sad face then first give a big smile…….I’ve got solutions for you, see? Okay, so let’s get to the point.

1. First, ask yourself, do you want to cheer up really? Or just planning to sulk into a corner after reading this? Let me remind you one thing, being sad and wasting your tears won’t solve your problems. That can just give you a pair of fluffy red eyes.

2.So, now that you have decided to cheer up, let’s just cool down, take some deep breath and think about your problem. Solving your problem is the best solution, think about all the possible ways and in some cases loose up your ego a little bit. Remember unless you solve your problem or take a decision, the weight in your head won’t go away.

3.Want other ways? I have some. For example, get the most delicious food you can lay your hands on and eat your heart away. Sounds mouthwatering na? In this case, Chocolates and ice-creams work best for me….yum...yum. =P~

4.Watch something really funny, like comedies, cartoons (how about Tom & Jerry?).

5.Turn your favorite music on and dance like crazy.

6. You can draw a big mustache on your face and wear it all the day. Trust me, it’s so much fun. Once I was sad and came across this brilliant idea in a blog, I just loved it that moment. :D

7. If you are a girl, then pamper yourself. Dress up and get some makeup like you are going out and take some photos, its fun.

8.Write down what is worrying you in a page and then tear it up or burn it or just do something mean with that piece of paper. Let all your worries go away with that page.

9. Do something which you really enjoy doing wholeheartedly.

10.If you have little kids in your house then just play with them for some time, those little angels won’t give you time to feel sad.

11.Listen to some soft music.

12. Go out, party and have some fun.

13. Hang out with your best friends; you can throw a pajama party.

14.Share your problem with someone you really like.

15.Why don’t you just give a cheer up gift to yourself? 

Don’t forget to let me know what you do when you get upset. :)


Mithy said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect article for my current mind :) Nice blog :) Loved the title :) <3

A Girl's Notebook said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks :) That's very sweet of you.