Mosquitoes??? Get the hell out of them

From the annoying "PEEEE......" song to their bite (though actually they don't bite, they suck your blood), everything of a mosquito is plainly irritating. X(  To top with that, they also transmit diseases like  Malaria, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, Dengue Fever and many others. So, these days, after being bitten a lot by mosquitoes I did a little research on them and found out some interesting stuffs which I didn't learn in my collage days. :P

Just for your information, about 3500 species of mosquitoes have been found all around the world. The male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, it is the female ones that drink blood to develop eggs.

Mosquito bites

Mosquito saliva contains some kind of inflammatory substance and proteins. When a mosquito bites, most people experience some reaction: itching, redness and swelling in the bitten area. This is caused by the skin reaction to the saliva. Some people are known to be allergic to the mosquito bite.

Are you a mosquito magnet?

Some people seem to attract mosquitoes more than others. The things that attract mosquitoes are: Carbon Dioxide, high concentration of cholesterol or steroids on skin surface, Lactic acid, moisture, Octenol, body heat, dark color etc. They can also locate their prey from within 30 feet by detecting the change in the light wave caused by the victim's movement. :-?

Peak biting hour

Mosquitoes bite most from sunset to sunrise. That is the peak biting hour. So take extra precaution and try to keep inside at those times .

Tips for itch relief due to mosquito bites

Following are some tips and home remedies for itch relief, apply directly on the bitten area. I didn't try all of them but I made notes which worked for me. :D

1.Dampen the bitten area and then rub salt at the place. (Gave me instant relief)
2.Apply deodorant ( roll-on/solid). (worked instantly)
3.Rub alcohol.
5.Toothpaste (didn't work for me).
6.Aloe gel. (doesn't give complete relief)
7.Wash the area with soap (brief relief).
8.Ice cube (brief relief)
10.Hot or cold water.
11.Calamine lotion (takes some time to work).
13.Apple cider vinegar.
15.Aspirin (crush and then mix a few drop of water to make paste).
16.Benadryl cream.
17.Vicks Vaporub.
18.Lemon juice/slice.
19.Tea tree oil.
20. Lavender oil.
21. Cedar oil.
22.Baking soda & water.

Tips for avoiding mosquito bites

1. KILL it. Whenever you see one just kill it without a second thought (just being a little devilish). >:)
2. While working outdoor, wear long pants and long sleeves. Avoid dark color clothing.
3. Apply insect repellent containing DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) while going outside. Carefully read the precaution and do not wear repellent on skin under clothes. Do not give them to children as they irritate eye area.
4.Avoid products containing fragrances, such as: perfumes, shampoos, lotions while working outdoor as mosquitoes are attracted by them.
5.Use mosquito netting.
6.Keep the area around your house clean.
7.Check out for standing water. Remember that, mosquitoes lay eggs on standing water. So empty the sources of standing water around and in your house.
8.Remove trashes regularly.

1.Never scratch the bitten area, it can lead to infection.
2.Always keep your surroundings clean.
3.If you are very allergic to mosquito bites, consult with a doctor.
4.All remedies may not work for you, it varies from person to person.


Pooja G said... Best Blogger Tips

Yeah I am a mosquito magnet...even when I am sitting with dozens of people they are always "attracted" to me only :( :P

and me allergic to their bites or for that matter every teeny-tiny insect's bites and would get huge lump on skin :(